We meet on the Second Monday of every Month from 4:30 - 7:00 at the Salem Multicultural Institute.
In March we folded tessellations. Much fun was had by all. On
March 15th several of our more intrepid folders braved the cold,
wet, windy weather to fold at Sakura (Cherry Blossom Festival)
at the Capitol.
In April we will be doing some flower models to celebrate spring.Treats are also a strong probability. Please join us. All levels of folders are welcome. And remember that showing up promptly at 4:30 is optional. Children under 13, please bring an adult with you.
Contact Salem Origami Club
Address: 390 Liberty Street SE Salem, OR 97301
Email: folder@salemorigami.org
Business Hours: 4:30 - 7:00pm
The Second Monday of the Month
Facebook Page: Salem
Origami Club